Hire Khalida


Khalida kan be booked for performances at weddings, celebrations and jubilees, as well as for shows at festivals, corporate & cultural events, exhibitions and gala nights. 

Check the Schedule page to see Khalida perform live.


Khalida can be hired for teaching workshops, coaching sessions and demonstrations at dance/ cultural events as well as weekend-/weeklong intensives.

See Topics page.

“Khalida is one of the most inspiring people I’ve met. Her performances never fail to amaze me. She has turned me speechless with introvert and emotional dances as well as with powerful dances, bursting with exciting energy. She is also an excellent teacher/coach. As a person, Khalida is sweet, very generous and funny to boot! If you get the chance to dance with her or just to hang out, don’t hesitate, you won’t be sorry :-) If that’s not quite an option…. get her on DVD! :-)”

Queenie, BE


If you are a photographer, artist, videographer, dancer, choreographer, composer, musician and/or writer with an eye for quality and a love for dance-and-movement related collaborations: Let me know!

Contact Khalida for information about hiring her for Shows, Coaching, Workshops, as well as for artistic Collaborations.