On this page you will find links to my favorite movement- and dance related articles, blogs, and websites, plus links to blog posts in which I share my own inspirations in dance and martial arts.
Dance, Journaling and Practice Tips (.pdf Documents)
- Interview_Bozenka_2018
- Fanveils_Tips_Khalida2018
- Journaling_2017
- My_dance_practice_process
- Practice_Plan_examples
- Shimmy_practice_tips
Inspirations in Dance and Martial Arts (Blog posts)
Strength, Movement and Body Awareness (Blogs I follow)
- Dance Stronger (Program) and Dance Training Project (Blog) by Monika Volkmar (CA)
- Stop Chasing Pain (Blog, Videos, Podcast) by Dr. Perry Nickleston (USA)
- Dr Mark Cheng (Blog Articles, Videos, DVDs)
- How I got pain free (A 3-post blog series with helpful tips and links)
Inspirational Podcasts (Podcasts I subscribe to)
- Bruce Lee podcast – An uplifting tribute by Shannon and Sharon Lee
- Tim Ferris podcasts – Tips and inspiration for all possible topics in life
- DancePreneuring – Great podcast on Dance and Enterpreneurship by Annett Bone
More inspirations will be added soon!